Sunday, 28 February 2010

The Trophy quandry

Do achievements/Trophies force you to play in a way you wouldn't normally?

What I'm talking about for those not sure is on your X-Box and your PS3 you gain achievements/Trophies while playing games. They are then all compiled together on your profile and other people can come along an have a nose, in a way to see how good you are at the game. Depending on the game they can differ greatly, but for example a football game may set a trophy as "Win 3 games" or "Score 10 goals in one match"

There are different levels of difficulty depending on the level of reward. Now my question is, does the implementation of these trophies force you to play in a different way from what you would normally do. Is this a good thing or not?

For some people its all about going out and achieving the most you can with the games and earning the most trophies. Other people just play the game casually and unlock the rewards as they go. My biggest problem with the system is however, if a trophy asks you to do something repetitive, not within your normal play style to achieve. Like collection certain objects in game, especially if they provide no reward other than the end result of the trophy itself.

Is this forcing players to play in a style an way in which the developers want you to? Breaking your normal style to fit in with how they intend you to play the game? Sometimes I feel this can be the case, but at the same time isn't it better to experience everything that has been built into the game? By pushing you into areas normally you would neglect to do?

I think its a tough question to truly answer, as its a mix bag of yes and no answers. Some things are good, some aren't. I feel personally as I've paid for the game an by getting say 100% or as much as I can, that I've personally got as much out of the game as I can. Indeed getting my moneys worth from it. An I think it does instill a sense of pride especially if you have worked hard to achieve it. I think the most important factor is the game has to be fun in order for you want to achieve it, not because you feel you have to. An isn't that the main reason to play a game in the first place, because you enjoy it?


Speaking on the matter of games, I achieved Commander rank in Star Trek Online the other day. Still playing hard at the game and still enjoying it. I meant to write a review at some point but I never got round to doing it. I should post a few screenies at some point, but I actually lack any real graphic editing software on my new comp. Trying to get hold of a copy of Photoshop, just wish it didn't cost so damn much.

Thursday, 25 February 2010

"First listen cuts the deepest"

Not had the best of days, when I say that its not like its anybody else's fault but my own. Firstly I went to go food shopping this morning, to get the weekly shop. So off I pop only to find as I got there I'd gone and left my card behind so I wouldn't be able to buy anything. "D'oh!" so I had to pop home and get it, so back in the car to drive home. So I did the shop all fine the second time I arrived. Making me a little later than I'd hoped, so quickly grab lunch, get changed and head to work. After an hour or so there I realised I'd only gone and bloody left my keys at home meaning I couldn't get in the office or lock up later. So had to have my break early, just so I could then drive back home AGAIN to get my keys. What was more annoying I left work to go home, an realised with seconds to spare I'd left my front door key in my jacket in work, so dashed back in to get that. How damn annoyed would I have been if I'd gone home to find I'd left my house keys. Lucky I didn't or there may have been some blood spilled. So all in all I've driven out and back to my house FOUR times today. Frankly I'm bored of doing that same journey. In the words of Karl Pilkington "I can't be doing with it" so glad I've got a day off now so I don't have to do the journey again. Hmm forgetting things isn't fun.


This may seem like an obvious point, but I feel like saying it anyway. There is something very special about listening to an album for the very first time. A once in a lifetime experience. Sometimes its the culmination of 3 year wait since the last album, or the simple discovering of a brand new artist and experiencing the album for the first time. Its the moment you sit there an absorb each track fresh, make your impression of the song. Do you like it or not? Its feeling a connection with the song. Sometimes this connection changes when you listen to an album more an more. As you learn it and become more familiar with the song, but its the first ever listen that's the most special of all the listens. Anyway, as simple or as obvious a thing this may appear to be it still feels like a slight personal landmark the first time you listen to a new album. Or course this same feeling can be applied to other things such a film, or book etc. I just tend to take more notice of it when it occurs with music. Whether that's because there is more of an emotional connection who knows.


This may sound a little selfish, but have you ever loved something, but it hasn't been totally famous/popular and when it suddenly takes off part of you wish it hadn't? I mean you have discovered something off your own back, maybe stumbled on it, or were there from the start. Something happens to make it more popular, to put it into the lime light and part of you wishes it wasn't. Like it suddenly becomes less personal a somewhat secret love but now everyone knows about it. I guess its because you have been personally attached to it and now you feel everyone is intruding in on it. At the same time you are happy the thing you love is doing well and taking off, which also means that its more likely to continue with its new found popularity an fame. So of course there is good that comes from it, but just sometimes I get a little annoyed like something personal has been taken away, when you were there early on and helped to build the true fanbase. Though I do hate the phrase "There not as good now its gone commercial" when things get popular, you have people turn their back on it, just because it is "popular" I'd never do that as I'd want them to have the success, but it just takes a little of the personal connection away I feel. Maybe none of this makes sense to anyone else but me, but just felt like saying it none the less.

Thursday, 18 February 2010

"Are you Tekken the mick?"

I finished Tekken 6 today, as in got 100% Trophies and my 3rd Platinum award for my PS3 account. Woo! Ok so there's bound to be loads of people out there with tons more than I have, but I'm pleased I added a 3rd to my achievements. So in away I'm going to review Tekken 6. However at what point though does a challenge no longer become fun? I know in order to have a sense of achievement you have to "Achieve" something, by over coming a challenge. It wouldn't be an achievement right with out a challenge.

However at some point something's are just made insanely hard to the point they aren't fun. When I say insanely hard, its not impossible as I wouldn't of got 100% completion but there has to be a point where its fun right?

So what in the hell did the person who created the end boss of "Azazel" have in mind? The moves he can pull off aren't fun. He can turn the fight round in a second by doing a string of stupidly annoying over powered moves. Let me describe Azazel, he's a huge ancient Egyptian god whoz been locked away for centuries. He's massive, has a great long tail. Not to mention the ability to fire lasers from his eyes, throw spikes at you and raise them from the floor to poke you. Oh an occasionally fly.

So the amount of times you have to fight this chap only to fail needing only one simple move to win is beyond annoying. Its to the point where it almost makes you feel like giving up on the game. However me being a stubborn sod that I am, I persevere till the end. But should you go through such an experience under the banner of something being fun?

Oh for those of you not familiar by now with the legendary Tekken series by Namco its a classic beat-em-up game.

So besides the annoying end boss Azazel, how is the game? Well to be honest Azazel is very annoying so any review will simply be marked down by just how annoying he is, however with that set aside.

We have the usual Beat-em-up game play options, Arcade, Survival, Team. Which all comes under the offline mode. There is of course an Online Vs mode. Which from personal experience was a little slow an annoying, took ages to match you with a player, an half the time I got matched with some players who are much higher experienced that myself which more than not ended in a very one sided affair. An the only other problem even on a so called strong connection with the other player, the match would lose connection mid way through, which was annoying. Could be my connection, not sure.

The bulk of the game however is taken up by a campaign Scenario mode, which is a heavy story based adventure. You go from map to map fighting mobs in a scrolling beat em style. This is fun and challenging but the graphics seem to be of a lower standard than other areas of the game, and its hugely let down by poor camera angles, often hiding enemies and your ally from view.

This mode reminded me heavily of the old story mode from another namco game Soul Caliber. While the story is good with some nice twists an turns it seemed to be the focal point of the whole game rather than just the normal arcade mode. The arcade mode and normal fights are graphically rich and the combat flows smoothly together. The new fighting arenas provide different tactics in the fight, with some having walls to pin an opponent against, to others having collapsing floor. Thou lot of this felt more gimmick than anything and not often providing much more than a slightly different back drop.

The Cgi end sequences from the characters once unlocked, look utterly gorgeous in there beautifully rended style, some are cool interesting end movies, others are more amusing light hearted affairs, all animated showing the games true graphically height.Overall there isn't much new in Tekken 6 that hasn't been covered in previous games, with the only real exception being the new scenario story gameplay. Any fan of the series is sure to love the latest version. Thou even as a fan of the series myself, having played and completed all the previous 5, the game still feels tarnished because of the awfully annoyingly designed end boss of Azazel, who you fight enough times to actually begin to regret playing. That being said, I enjoyed sections of the game, but its not going to make my personal gaming highlights or leave me wanting more.

Saturday, 13 February 2010

"I'm looking for Love, You got any?"

Gleeful. How good was this weeks "Glee"? After the first two opening episodes I felt it had started to take a dip in its quality. However that was swiftly rectafied with a guest appearance from the brilliant Kristin Chenoweth. I loved her singing in "Pushing Daises" her Eternal Flame was both magically and touchingly used. It was no surprise to see her on Glee, almost a show she is made to appear on, and she didn't disappoint. All 3 of her songs were wonderful. I'm also starting to find myself loving the Rachel character (an the actress who plays her :$) So how happy did I find myself with the last song being Queen "Somebody to love" It seems the US like to use that song and cover it. It wasn't as good as Anne Hathaways solo attempt in "Ella Enchanted" but it was still tinglingly good. It never surprises me thou, how many people it takes to pull off a Freddie sung song. That man had one of the worlds most amazing singing voices, the pure power and range of his voice is something I don't think will ever be replaced. So I'm always dubious of a Queen cover as its never as good as a Freddie vocal, but its testament to just how damn fine a song Queen wrote that they are so commonly used.


Apprently I'm not a typical guy (you don't say I can hear you cry) but driving, I just don't get it. Well I do, and I don't. The freedom of it is great, and in a place where driving is more useful than catching a million buses that don't tend to take you where you want to. Its got its useful purpose, but it just lacks the sense of joy for me. Well when I say that its not entirely true, I just don't like the fact there are others on the road with me. Its the sense of it doesn't matter how good and careful a driver you may be. All it takes is one stupid moron to cause an accident. However when the road is empty, and its just you and a car. It does have a sense of pleasure. Sometimes thou, there is one thing that makes the experience just that much more enjoyable and that's a little simple ingredient of music. I'm not talking the crap dance, Rap heavy bass thumbing beats that a boy racer with a flash car and sound system bellow out. I'm talking cool music that reaches inside and tickles your heart to make you smile. I had such an experience today, it was because of "Live and Let Die" not sure why but I just wanted to sing loud an proud while driving. While also not wanting the journey to end. At that precise time, I thought "This driving stuff isn't all bad"


Crossing the void. I love the idea of spin offs more so when the show the spin off begins to stand on its own feet and can possibly be better than the original. An just sometimes something extra special happens and there is a cross over where by the shows interact with each other. When I think about it, there hasn't been all that many shows that do. I can think of a small handful where this has happened. One of the biggest that comes to mind is Buff/Angel. Where characters from one show would appear on the other. When done well they can be brilliant. Its like a gift for the regular viewer of both shows, like an extra inside treat. It only helps to cement the reality in which they are meant to both be based from. I think its what made the Season 4 finale of Doctor Who extra special when the two spin off shows "Sarah Jane Adventures" and "Torchwood" both became a part of the episode. An all the characters got to interact together. Another more surprising show that I love when they get together is that of "Casualty" and "Holby City". I watch both shows, and I started watching Holby because of its parent show Casualty. So when the two of them collide its exciting. An if its meant to be based at the same hospital why on occasions would they not interact? There is also one Spin off show that hasn't exactly interacted with its original, other than the characters continuing in another show. That of which I speak is "Life on Mars" and "Ashes to Ashes" I have to actually say I like the Spin off show of "Ashes to Ashes" more because of the simple fact the original trio from "Life on Mars" are in it more. Gene, Ray and Chris, with obviously Gene become far more central which is only ever a good thing. However the story of how these two shows connect hasn't been fully answered, an sadly the answer to that is creeping ever closer as the 3rd and final ever series is looming close. I'm nervously exited, its a mystery at the moment, but do you always want your questions answered? Sometimes the answers arn't as rewarding as the questions themselves. Life on Mars had a wonderful ending which was both brilliant, chilling, rewarding and yet left you with a sense of mystery. I just hope the final answers are just as brilliantly written, time will tell.


And on that note I will end with the best fan made Doctor Who tribute videos on the net. So good that any of the official produced stuff hasn't been as good. So I'll post the Doctor Who 10th Doctor tribute. For those of you still morning beware it may bring back those tears, for others it will put a smile on your fact with all the memories brilliantly composed together. Of course it goes without saying anyone not having seen it, its spoiler heavy. Enjoy

Friday, 5 February 2010

"I think its coming Sammy"

Having just finnished watching Season 4 of Supernatural I feel compelled to say how great the show is. A sign of a good show and creator to me is someone who has an overal plan for the show, some form of direction. Not just within the one season story arc, but when put over a multi season story arc. Something that builds over a longer time, sometimes just bubbling in the back ground. Supernatural has had this, hint at things to come, some mysteries and things building to something ever closer.
Ok it doesn't have a huge mystery/plot like Lost which is special in itself, but least Supernatural has a direction, something that other shows like Heroes seem to have lacked. It started well but seemed to get lost, I know it was effected by the writers strike, but then so were other shows like Lost, Supernatural. They coped far better, anyway this isn't me having a direct dig at Heroes.
The ending of Season 4 was gripping and only makes me crave for the next season, which is the whole idea of a season finale. I've just enjoyed the whole season and going to leave it there as I don't wish to go in depth with more reasons as to preserve any form of spoilers.


Bodly going where no man has gone before....or now in my case 1 million other users. As being somewhat of an MMO gaming veteran. (Massive Multiplayer online) there has always been one license that has screamed out for an MMO and until now never had one. Something as a kid I would dream of being part of, and that was Star Trek Online.
So I decided to don my uniform, sit aboard the bridge of my very own Starship and give it a go. First impressions are overwhelmingly good. There is a little bit of a learning curve, I thought steep but have adapted to it quicker than I thought. All the basic mmo characteristics are there, but then added in some new elements. Like space combat, so far this has been where the bulk of my game play has occured. An it is polished and slick, so works well. I've done mostly the patrol missions, which seem fun. However I can imagine they get a little tedius after a while just because of the lenght in time it takes to do.
Also ground combat feels a little basic, simple may be a fairer discritption but unlike other MMO's I've played there isn't much to it in comparrison. Mostly pointing my phaser (gun) and firing. Be nice if some other elements are added later to the game.
Anyway as I've said, its only just come out, like most MMO's that means its only the start of the journey. Where we go from there is up to the the gamers, and what ever exciting new things the developers will throw at us.
The game has launched to 1 million user accounts created, which is a very good sign. Even if the user base drops by half a month or two down the line thats still a respectable user base to be getting on with. I've known many MMO's that toddle along with less. Anyway I'm also myself only at the starting point of the game, lots more to discover myelf yet. However lets hope that Star Trek online has the ability to "Live long and prosper" (cheesy but had to be done)