Tuesday, 30 March 2010

Mania highlights.

* Money in the bank: Did it really have to be of all people Jack bloody Swagger to win? Looks like he is now borrowing some of Kurt Angles old attire. Ok he can wrestle, but listening to him talk is painful so why of all people did he have to win? I guess Christian was to obvious a pick. Other than the winner not a bad money in the back, thou I don't think 10 people in it worked so well, to many in there with little time to shine. Shelton Benjamin anyone? where was he during that match! Only true highlights came from Matt Hardy and Christian moments.

* Sheamus Vs Triple H: Shame Triple H won, I think Sheamus could of done with the win more, Triple H didn't need the win. Least Sheamus had a good showing and I guess that was the idea.

*Jericho Vs Edge: I wasn't to fussed with the result here, the pair had a great match. Happy to have seen either champ, but a little extra happy Jericho retain. With the ending however I think they are already setting up for the next PPV rematch. Edge is bound to win it then.

*HBK Vs Undertaker: This was the match we all wanted to see, and it didn't disappoint. Not sure if it topped last years, only because it was so special last year and we had something to live upto this year so it wasn't as "new". Either way it was a cracking match, the way HBK lost and indeed ended his career was how I'd want to go, fighting till the bitter end. Was a special moment that and the crowd gave him such a superb send off. Sad to think thats the last HBK match, thanks for the memories if it was.

There was some other highlights, such as Bret getting his revenge, even Vicki Guerrero paying a little homage to her late great husband Eddie. Anyone else I'd of been annoyed by but I can't fault her for because she is the widow of Eddie. Was it better than last year? Not so sure, but was good none the less. There is nothing in the year that matches Wrestlemania an that's the truth.

Saturday, 27 March 2010

"There's one thing you never put in a trap..."

The last thoughts that I wrote about previously have left me thinking long and hard about things. I'm starting to feel the winds of change brewing in my life. Something that has slowly started to develop, mostly with regards to work, but also I guess with myself an my thinking on things. There is a sense of sour bitterness approaching.
I felt this once before an I elected to jump before I was pushed. Though it was hard, an a period of roughness came which I didn't enjoy. It also came with a certain degree of readjusting and often things you take for granted become obvious in there absence.
However in the long run I think it was something that was wise to do. If for my own happiness and nothing else.

So with regards to my ever present future, I'm feeling that a new jump is required. Where I fall exactly and just how well is yet to be seen, but during the free fall of it, wish me luck.

As of right now nothing is for certain (if it ever is) So over the next coming months I shall write about my experience and if indeed any progress has happened. You may be sitting there reading wondering what I'm so cryptically waffling on about, or what I have in mind. If any of you reading truly know me, I guess you may have some idea of what it is I'm trying to do. So wish me luck and as of Monday I will kick the first stage of my plan into action (like I really have a plan) so wish me luck on that.


It's an exciting week of telly as two of my favourite shows are set to return to the box an I can't wait.
"Ashes to Ashes" and "Doctor who".
Where do I start with why I'm excited about the return of these two ingenious shows. Ashes to Ashes comes with a sense of sad excitement. Sad excitement? Yeah, well good that its back yet sad that its coming to an end. The sense that a few prolonged unanswered mysteries promise to be reveal. I just hope they aren't a let down. An I'm looking forward to hearing some new Gene Hunt words of wisdom.

As for the return of the Doctor. We have a whole new one to welcome and help guide us into the new who era. We had no series last year and I felt Saturday night telly lacked because of it, nothing filled the void. The amount of reality telly talent shows, or shows about falling over members of the public didn't come close. They were easy often cheaper mindless shows for the simple masses. They don't fill you with wonder, excitement while raising the back of your hairs in nervous anticipation. Maybe that's just me, but that's something that the return of who brings with it for me. That excitement and eager wanting of the next episode. To be taken on the joyous ride, nothings grips like the build up to the show an each that follows.
From the small clips I've seen, the approach seems familiar yet fresh at the same time. So over the next few weeks I shall be gripped to my telly lapping up all the telly goodness that is on its way, enjoying the emotional ride that awaits, only wish it could last.

Oh and on a personal note, finally my 10th Doctor replica coat is on the way. I can't wait to try it on and feel the weight and whoosh of it all. It's proven to be a bit of a battle to get hold of, with regards to supplier problems an what not. Taken about 6 months to get here, I just hope it has been worth the wait.
Photos I'm sure are to follow for those people who have displayed an interest just to see what its like in all of its magnificence.

Anyway I shall leave you here while I climb into bed early because the damn summer time is stealing an hour of my sleep, damn you BST!! *Shakes fist*

Monday, 22 March 2010

How can I change the path that I'm on? This is my Destiny

There is a point when everyone has to face up to their future, to decide what it is they want to do. Some may call it Destiny.

Sometimes people dream of achieving something while they carry on their life dreaming of what shall be, Then there are the special few who don't dream, they make it real.

What is it that makes them different? What is it that drives them? Ambition? The drive to make a dream real. Talent? The undeniable ability to just be great and let destiny come to them.

It is said that no matter what you do in life someone, somewhere is just better at it than you. I guess it could be true, but at the same time wouldn't you wish you'd never meet them and face up to the reality. Sometimes its not always true, as sometimes a true great will come along who is unequaled. I can think of some examples in sport where this has happened. Michael Schumacher was a great, doesn't matter if you like them or not, their achievements alone speak for themselves. Another great would be Roger Federrer who keeps on winning and at times looks utterly unbeatable. Are these people examples of that exception?

I guess somewhere along the line I don't know what truly is my "special" skill. What is it that stands me out from others an is my true skill. Do you know yours?

I like writing, I enjoy it but I've quickly come to the conclusion I'm not stand out good at it. There are works by others that I simply get blown away by, the brilliance in what they have created. The depth, detail and sometimes unquestionable level of genius. They also say everyone has a book in them, that doesn't mean its a work of brilliance. Lots of people churn out books that have no real point to them. I guess I simply lack the great writing spark.

I like to think I'm good at gaming. However with that being said, I have often played games online and often gotten beat. Or I see achievements in games that I simply don't understand how they did it. Is that plainly down to the fact they are better than me? Do they know something about the game I don't, is that where the skill lies? At least I can honestly say I've achieved things without the aid of cheats. At least in that I can take the moral high ground by saying I've done things the proper way they were intended to be done.

So I guess I'm yet to truly find what it is that I'm great at. I've found things that I've thought I was good at, but not great. So what is my skill? Just when I think I know, someone comes along and is simply better and, or knows more than I do.

I seem to have a growing thirst to learn and find out about things that fascinate me. Something I can honestly say I didn't feel when at school. Perhaps that's because my learning path was carved out for me. Where as now I'm not in a forced learning structure and am free to learn the things I want to. Thou I often wish I had more time to spend to the learning of things. Sometimes I feel thou in a weeks time I look back and I've not really retained what I learnt the week before. Is that because I didn't truly learn it in the first place? Does my brain not work how I want, or am I learning in the wrong way.

Anyway with all this being said I've gone wildly off my original starting point. "Destiny"

Suffice to say, I've come to a point in my life where I'm going to have to change things before it becomes to late.

I've laid awake at night unable to sleep because my mind is full of so many thoughts on the subject that its begun to scare me. I think its more in the "How do I do it" or perhaps its in the idea of simply failing at it that scares me. I've dreamt about doing nothing else my whole life. If it doesn't work out, I simply don't know what else to do, and I think that thought scares me even more.

Is this simply the drive and ambition that I've needed all along? The key ingredient that sparks thou's people who achieve. I kinda hope so.

With all that I've said, and thanks for reading if you have. I shall leave with a little quote that comes to mind that helps to sum up some thoughts on the subject. An it comes from Baz Lurhmans "Everyone is free (to wear sunsceen)" speech/song.

"Don't feel guilty if you don't know what you want to do with your life. The most interesting people I know didn't know at 22 what to do with their lives...some of the most interesting 40 year olds I've met, still don't"

Friday, 12 March 2010

Random thoughts, ie can't think of a subject title :P

Its that time again, the return of F1. The only true sport that I follow heavily during the year and the new season is about to start. An its looking to be a really exciting new season, new teams, new driver line ups and the return of the most successful driver in the history of the sport.
The Internal battle at McLaren between Button and Hamilton is one that I will keep a close eye on (not just because I have £10 riding on the outcome) but I'm just excited as its gearing up to be a very exciting and interesting season. Who knows who will win? I would like to see Hamilton win a second title.


During my run this morning I stopped by a gate to tie my shoes up and out of nowhere around 8 little lambs came running to the gate bleating at me. Looking all small, young and cute. Didn't know if I should give them a little rub or not, before long thou a big mumma sheep came over. She was staring at me with what could only be described as an evil look so I quickly decided to carry on my way. Clearly spring is here or very close to be now with the signs of these fresh faced lambs.


I've decided to set myself a challenge, I don't think its all that hard but just to see if I pull it off. 100 films in a year, sounds easy enough, roughly 2 films a week, easy? So I'll give it a go, if anyone is interested in my progress I'll list each month what I've seen. An I mean to proper sit down and watch it from start to finish not half way though. If anyone wants to join in feel free see if you can do it.

Friday, 5 March 2010

Poor sick (expensive) motor.

My poor little car had to go in for its MOT today, the past 3 years its gone thru fine no problems. Luck ended this year, it failed. It's got a structural crack that needs welding, so its gotta stay there and be sorted. Only bugger is that I won't be able to get it back till Monday Grr. So thats 3 or so days without a car to get to work with, so going to have to rely on buses and generous lifts.
Just annoying, and so the whole thing is gonna cost around £200, ouch! Good job I have money saved (for a rainy day) but it doesn't help in the meantime as its a bit of a dent so gonna have to scrimp by for a little while which is annoying as means I have to delay a few investments while I regain funds. Everyone goes on about owning a car an how great it is, but its an expensive thing to have.

An also with having to hang around home waiting for the phone to ring, I wasn't able to go out and lend some support to the brilliant Sport Relief bike ride. For those not in the know 5 celebs are riding from one end of the UK to the other on bicycles raising money for Sport Relief. No easy task. An the route they were taking went right through Truro, would of liked to have popped along and cheered them on. Did sponsor them in the week so would of been nice to have seen some of the hard work they did, but hey ho :(


Got Heavy Rain in the week for the PS3. A little game I been keeping an eye on and have been looking forward to playing. So had to purchase it and whoa what a treat. To say its a game isn't exactly an accurate description, its more like an interactive story. An experience to be sure, you play the role of 4 different characters all linked together because of the "Origami Killer" who's been behind a serious of murders in the city.

Graphically its stunning, the characters look near photo realistic, the facial expression and details are stunning. The tiny little pores in the skin, to the shaved hairs on the face. When I first started and was controlling the starting character Ethan walking around in his boxers at home, I almost forgot I was controlling and it was a game and not a film I was watching, bizarre.

The game centres on the idea of "What would you do to save a loved one?" a strong emotive theme, and some of the stuff I've had to do so far has been unnerving, but you decide alot of the time what it is you do and that's the power of the game.
Not close to finishing yet but enjoying the plot an the many twists an choices on the way so far.