Friday, 21 May 2010

An end to all things...

It seems its a time of endings in TV. Many shows are beginning to come to an end, some by means of there time has come to a close and others have been forced into it. Either way 2010 is a year of endings.

Some of the shows I'm talking about ending are of course 24, Lost, Heroes and Ashes to Ashes. All good shows in there own right and some really sad to see end. An the one I'm most sad to see end is...Ashes to Ashes.

Its a British show we should be proud of, a cop show that's wrapped in such complex thought provoking mysteries and ideas. Its been an utter joy to watch, and the last ever series which draws to a close this Friday. Is the show that's had me nervously counting down to the end of. My thoughts have been very much stuck on this show as I await the ending. An I have been let down by endings in the past when I have been this excited an nervous for them. I so hope this isn't the case. The ending of Life on Mars was one of television genius an was such a fitting ending. I hope this doesn't disappoint.

I shall be sad to see the back of one of televisions greatest ever characters as well in Gene Hunt. The nature of the character, his brilliant one liners all so wonderfully played by Philip Glenister. The American version and especially Gene wasn't even in the same league as the original.
With that being said, part of the fun of the show is trying to work out the meaning behind it all. Of course like everyone I have my theories an I hope the eventual truth will leave me happy and content. Friday will tell....

In the mean time there are other big shows ending, Lost being the next big one. All those mysteries coming to an end. Its sad because its one of those shows that rarely come along, when will the next show like it be? Who knows but as I said 2010 is a sad year for the ending of TV shows.

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